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Mobile App for Admin
Admin portal of mobile application stabilizes and manages school administration procedures of all kinds without any hassles. It’s the best available software used by many educational institutions to make the works of administrator easy and fail-safe. It helps school administrator to provide access permissions to the Principal, Vice Principal, Accountant, Clerk, Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff etc. of the school for better management and control. School notices and announcements can be posted by school administrator to keep parents informed about upcoming events, news, exams and other activities of the school. Apart from the systematic methods of school management, mobile app gives status reports in great detail and efficiency. The easy to access, user-friendly interfaces let the schools have the complete automation experience.
- Add, update, delete and maintain all school related data.
- Admin control to lock any data entry in specific or all exams of the session.
- Add multiple schools into the list that come under a trust.
- Add the boards to which the schools affiliated with (CBSE, ICSE etc.).
- Add the levels of school education (High school, Middle school, Primary school etc.).
- Add the classes/grades under different Levels of School Education.
- Add the Religion/Class/Category of students as well as the faculty (category for reservation purposes).
- Further elucidating the previous provision, special fee or privileges are enabled for certain categories (both for students and faculty)
- SMS/Communication settings
- Admin can send messages (to Guardians / Staffs / Students / Employees) & announcements etc. using the mobile app.
- Send message to Guardians / Staffs / Students / Employees.
- School app provides a chat facility with more specific features of communication with student-teacher, teacher-parent-and student-student.
- Staff member can communicate with class; get report of all messages exchanged.
- Teachers, Principal, Admin can add subjects and its types.
- Allocation of Elective subject to the student.
- Practical batch/lab student allocation.
- Manage Teacher substitution.
- Staff Activity/lesson plan date wise entry.
- Subjects and staff can be assigned to classes.
- Elective subject-student allocation.
- Practical batch/lab student allocation
- Allow only assigned teachers to enter marks of their own subjects. Thus minimize interference and chances of mistake.
- The provision to Class-Level-Board Mapping.
- The provision to Division/Class-Academic year mapping.
- Holiday settings can be included year wise.
- Admin has centralized access to data.
- Admin has control over all other interfaces(student / management / parent/staff)
- Can give particular rights or access permission to particular user for different module.
- All the Library book details can be managed.
- Availability information of the library book.
- Librarian/Admin : It also stores information of issue and return of books through student and staff.
- Library automation mobile app enables the school to take the catalogue online on mobile so that the patrons can research better while borrowing from the library.
- If a book is issued, the App informs the patron about the expected return date of the book.
- All fee dues and fee payments made are shown in the Payment History section with details of fee heads, date of payment, mode of payment and receipt Number.
- View number of library books issued
- View number of library books returned
- View library fine details
- View new arrived library books
- User friendly interface requiring minimal learning and IT skills.
- Access to all the modules for quick operations.
- Effective administration and accelerate decision-making.
- A digital record of all the previously sent circulars is maintained.
- Major announcements like holidays, annual function etc can be sent.
- Easy performance monitoring of individual modules.
- Automated and quick report generation.
- Parent Request option is enabled in the framework.
- Elimination of people-dependent processes.
- Authenticated profile dependent access to data.
- Design for unproblematic scalability.
- Simple administrations & management functionalities.
- Zero complications are assured.
- Unique login ID with secured password.
- Streamline the administration process from start to finish.
- Can view number of students admitted in the school with details of boys and girls, categories(SC,ST etc.)
- Handle the entire system for administration.
- Set user privileges according to the user type.
- Attendance Marking
- Schedule exams.
- Marks can also be sent to parents via SMS or App at a later date.
- Appreciation cards for students
- Attendance information - Class wise, Student wise
- Forgot & Change Password.
- Admin can admit students.
- Admin can admit staff.
- Can look into Principal details.
- View New Admission details, School strength, Class Section Strength
- Admin can assign fees to entire school, class and divisions.
- Assign fees and view fee structure.
- Upcoming installments and pending installments for all fees to be paid.
- All fee payments made by the parent are shown in the Payment History section with details of fee heads, date of payment, mode of payment and receipt Number.
- System notifications are being sent to the parent for upcoming and missed fee schedules.
- All payments received either via bank, cash, cheque, online are reported directly in the daybook and fee scholar register.
- Schools can also easily collect penalty and other charges via app.
- Can view Fee Collection Summary
- Examination settings and mark entry.
- View Vehicles trip Details - Day wise, trip wise
- View Vehicle Staff details
- View Vehicle Passenger details
- View Bus fee paid details
- View Bus fee dues details
- View School, Firm details
- View academic Class-Level-Mapping
- View academic year wise exams
- View academic year wise holidays
- View all affiliating Boards
- View all school Levels
- View Religion/Caste and Category report (category for reservation purpose)
- User types & Privileges view
- Principal Details view
- Institution wise SMS & Status view
- View attendance Details
- View assessment reports
- View fee payment details
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